SlugField in Django and How to apply it. by Vincent/April 10, 2022, 6:48 p.m./10 minutes #slug A slug is a brief label that only contains letters, digits, underscores, or hyphens. They’re generally used in URLs. Slugs are typically used to build a human-readable URL. Let's consider … Continue Reading
Django Signals: How to Create and Use Them by Vincent/March 17, 2022, 10:39 a.m./5 minutes #Signals Django signals are mainly used when many pieces of code may be interested in the same event. Django signals components work on the concept of senders and receivers. In a … Continue Reading
Django sitemap by Vincent/Feb. 25, 2022, 4:33 p.m./10 minutes #sitemap A sitemap is an XML file that is primarily intended for search engines. A sitemap informs search engines about the pages on a website that are available for crawling. It … Continue Reading
Django deployment checklist by Vincent/Feb. 16, 2022, 5:14 p.m./10 minutes #deployment Deploying your Django application exposes it to internet hostility. Therefore, one needs to configure the settings with performance, security, and operation in mind. Django comes with many security features, and … Continue Reading